A word from the author
I am the eldest son of André Fauve, the commander of La Minerve at the time of his disappearance.
I remember perfectly this January 28, 1968, I was 5 ½ years old when around 10 am the doorbell of the house rang. Two naval officers, of the same rank as my father, came to tell us the terrible news.
When I created this site on January 1, 2018, preparing for the ceremony of the fiftieth anniversary of the disappearance of La Minerva, no one could imagine where it would take me.
By becoming the center of exchanges around La Minerve, it allowed me to make multiple contacts and to undertake a certain number of actions and steps which enabled the early lifting of the defense secret which weighed on the file until 2020. (50 years after the most recent piece) and which could even have lasted until 2030.
Then, it would allow me to start actions to mobilize families, the press, sailors which resulted in February 2019 in the announcement by the Minister for the Armed Forces of a resumption of research for the Minerva which will lead to the discovery of his wreckage on July 19, 2019, 51 years old 5 months and 24 days after his disappearance.
This whole story is told in my book “Finding the Minerva”.