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The crew

The crew is experienced and knows the building well


The commander is the only "new" when he goes to sea on January 17, 1968. 

Before the commission of inquiry, former commander BOUILLOT who left La Minerve 10 days before the tragedy said of him:


“ I never had, during my command  once bad reactions or bad maneuvers which could have led to major difficulties. »

In general, those who have been on board say that 

the crew was happy to be on the ship, there was no recrimination, confidence was general. The staff got along well.

They are young, voluntary, they are between 18 and 37 ans.  this is the case in all submarines of this type in 1968. Part of the crew, very experienced, supervises those who are less experienced.

Cleren Potier Migliaccio Saussaye Malarm

From left to right: Cleren, Potier, Migliaccio, Saussaye, M alarm Descamps, Naudin- Beginning of January 1968

This photo of the crew was taken shortly before the tragedy 

Photo de l'équipage du sous-marin Minerve
Reportage 1967
Jean-Paul Krintz.jpg

On his blog, Jean-Paul Krintz had put many photos of the crew.Click here


The photos of un report of Paris Match published on February 11, 1968 are visible by clicking HERE

By scrolling the slideshow you will see all the photos

You can see this crew in the video shot in October 1967 for the magazine "5 columns à la une". This report was posted online by Jean-Paul Krintz, (Youtube) died in 2017,  most sailors visible there would disappear 3 months later.

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